Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Can Sadie and Sasha Be Adopted Separately?

I've been thinking about this question for the past several weeks. Can Sadie and Sasha be adopted - and thrive - separately?

I believe the answer is yes. In scary situations, they stick together. But in our home, where they are comfortable, they sometimes willingly choose to be in separate rooms.

And they have different personalities. Sadie loves to play fetch and loves all toys. Sasha is more people focused. And she is the wrestler. She'd rather play with another dog than chase or chew a toy.

Sasha is less shy about walks. Sadie would prefer to stay and romp in the backyard.

If you feel a connection with one dog over the other, act on it. They each need to be somebody's dog.

It will be an adjustment, but I think they could each be in different homes. I bet they wouldn't mind an occasional play date, though.


  1. To add a couple of thoughts to Laura's post...

    When we started to foster Sadie and Shasha, they seemed inseperable. But as they have gotten a little older and more confident, their individual personalities have begun to shine.

    As is the case with most litters, dogs are adopted individually. This can be true for S&S too. They are both adorable and loving and playful and happy. But they don't have to be a pair. We know owning two dogs can be a handful. For some people, one is enough. Sadie or Sahsa could be your one.

  2. Hi Laura, I know you're busy but I'm working on a poster for Sadie and Sasha and I was wondering if you or Rob want anything in particular on the poster? Anything you REALLY want people to know about the girls? I'm taking pictures and inspiration from your blog, but I don't want to leave anything important out! Thanks for your help!

  3. Hi Kaicee,
    You're a doll to do this to help the girls! Let's see...really important facts about Sadie and Sasha....hmmmmm. Well, number 1 would be that they are such lovers. Pit bulls in general and especially shy ones want to be with you. Their faces literally light up when ever they see their "person". There really is no greater love than what they want to offer to their new family (and what they have given us.) They want to love YOU!

  4. The poster for the girls is done! I start work tomorrow at the SPCA at 10 so be sure to look for it when you drop the girls off! I can't wait to see them again! I'll be sure to bring them some hot dogs and and direct everyone who comes in to look at their video!
